All in Good Time
Patrick StreetProduced by Bill Whelan
Kevin Burke, Jackie Daly, Andy Irvine, Arty McGlynn
Guest musician: Bill Whelan Keyboards, backing vocalsTracks:
- Walsh’s Polkas
- A Prince Among Men (Only a Miner)
- Frank Quinn’s Reel/Lad O’Beirne’s/Murphy’s Reel
- Lintheads: The Pride of the Springfield Road/Lawrence Common/Goodbye Monday Blues
- Light & Airy/All in Good Time
- The Mouth of the Tobique/Billy Wilson
- The Girls Along the Road
- The Thames Hornpipe/The Fairy Queen
- Dennis Murphy’s Reel/The Bag of Spuds/MacFarley’s Reel
- Carrowclare
- Lynch’s Barn Dances
Patrick Street allin good time